Monday, 31 March 2008

Admirable yet able.

I thought it might be interesting to blog about the topic of housewives. You might think that this is stupid to blog about but I know people have differing views and that the views of society on this matter are also changing, so thought it would be interesting to blog my thoughts.

The definition of housewife is 'a married woman who manages her own household especially as her prinicpal occupation.' After this definition is this 'housewife is offensive to some, perhaps because of an implied contrast with career woman (just a housewife) and perhaps because it defines an occupation in terms of a woman's relation to a man.'

If we look at society then it is clear that women are becoming more career minded, or perhaps they are just being allowed to pursue their dream of a career. In the past it was always the men who worked and the women who kept the house and who brought up the children. This was the norm. I don't think there really is a norm now though, because many women are still housewives but many woman are also career women.

For some, they may find it offensive and demeaning that people view women as having this role over men. For me, I do not. I think it is actually an amazing thing to be a be the primary care giver to your children and to provide a home for the man of your life. I also think that the way men and women are made so differently makes women more suited to being the homemaker and men more suited to being the soul provider of the home.

Should we not embrace our femininity instead of push it aside and say that we are no different to men?! I do not think that this world should be a 'mans world' but I also think that we should not have to fight to be career women just because we don't want to come under a mans authority.

Men are strong - they are made with strength to lead. Women are beautiful - they are made with beauty to be enjoyed.

Men should not take advantage because of this strength and just expect women to be under them and to do all they command. Having this sort of strength to lead is a priviledge and has to be used to lead people with love not arrogance. Women need to realise that their beauty shouldn't be taken for granted and that they are given beauty so they may give it to others - to love and empower and give life to those around them.

Men are made with strength and women are made with beauty so that when they are joined, something admirable yet able is created. This can't be created with just strength or just beauty - men and women have to realise they need each other.

We should not be ashamed of our uniqueness as women or as men. We need to embrace and cherish our differences and be prepared to come under those who are made to lead and to love those who are made to be enjoyed.

Much love, as always. x

Friday, 21 March 2008


I had my birthday on Monday and it was kinda weird this year. I wasn't with my family or my man which I guess was hard, but it was exactly the same last year. I don't really know how I felt, but I know that I wasn't loving the day. Was it the realism that I am getting older?? I don't think so. I am excited about being older because it means I am closer to my dream. So what was it then??

Do we sometimes place too much emphasis on things that are actually meaningless?? Do we get disappointed with occasions because we place too much hope on them, expecting that they will perhaps be perfect?? Maybe this was the reason I didn't love my birthday. The realism that it was in fact just another day...perhaps I had become too excited about a day that was just a day.

Perhaps we think that birthdays should be ourdays - a time which is just about us?? Is this right though?? The meaning of birthday is an aniversary of a birth, the day of a persons birth or even the festivities/celebration marking such a day or anniversary. Does this give permission for us to become totally selfish on our birthdays and have that day celebrated as ours??

To be honest I think not. Each day is not ours and cannot be...each day is Gods and therefore it's His, to do what He desires with. This makes me more happier than any birthday could. The fact that God can conquer all and do the most amazing thing with any sort of day. No day is mine to name so why should any day be all about me?! My birthday is a day to celebrate the anniversary of my birth but it's not more important than any other day. Any day can be full of fun and amazement!!

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

A heart for the poor.

So on Sunday a lady preached at church about Gods heart for the poor. It was a challenging time. It was great to hear about Gods heart for people and how the bible actually portrays and emphasises this.

'Listen, my brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the Kingdom he promised those who love him?'
James 2 v 5

'For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.'
2 Corinthians 8 v 9

The world often chooses to despise the poor, yet God loves them so intensely that He chooses THEM to become rich in HIM and inherit His Kingdom. I know how easy it is to get caught up with money but I know that in all things I would rather inherit Gods faith than the worlds money. Consider the following quotes:

'Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.'
Benjamin Franklin

'If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.'
Dorothy Parker

'One must be poor to know the luxury of giving.'
George Eliot

'Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil.'
Henry Fielding

Some wise words maybe?!

Being rich in the worlds eyes is not what it appears to be. In my opinion - money does not make you happy, God makes you happy, and what He offers is love, passion, strength, beauty, excitement, creation, fierceness, adventure, wonderment, awe and pure ecstasy.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

God is amazing.

God is absolutely incredible and amazing - He really never fails to astound me!!

I was told at the weekend that someone at my church wants to pay for my flight to Uganda - I am so amazed!! I was so excited when I found out I could go to Uganda but at the same time was dead scared because of not having all the money I needed for the trip. I worked out that I could just about afford to pay for the flight but that was it - I had no clue how everything else would get paid for. Scary but true!! And there was no way that I wasn't going to travel to Uganda because of financial scares.

Me and my man have faced communication difficulties because of the restraints of money and there was no way that I was going to let money interfere anymore!! Money really does annoy, scare and frustrate me - I seriously hate it and absolutely detest how it makes me feel!!

How is it I feel like this knowing that God provides everything I need and more?? Maybe the fact that God might in fact not choose to give me all of my desires and all the miracles I ask for?? This is not lack of faith, this is just realism that God doesn't answer all prayers the way we sometimes want.

Anyway, God has astounded me and once again reassured me that I musn't worry about anything. He provides all that is needed and desired in the situations He puts us in - even when things don't go the way we want them to it doesn't mean God isn't giving what is needed, it just means He is giving what is needed according to the way He wants - the way which is best and good for us.

God is forever GOOD!! Believe and trust that truth. x