Wow, I am so sorry it has taken over a week to write my first blog - I know you are all waiting in anticipation, lol!! Anyway, things have been busy and slightly hectic to say the least!!
So, how are things you're all asking and I guess you're expecting a massive 'AMAZING'?! Well, that is not the answer. Things have been good but also not so good, I guess the best way to describe things is rocky in an adventurous way.
I've had some fun with friends and children but also had some hard times. Time being a difficult constraint at points. Work at the hospital is different and fine, but that's all it is at the moment. It's amazing how small it is to English hospitals and how quiet it is. This week I am on a 30 bed ward and there is a nurse to every 3/4 patients, where as back home you get a nurse to about every 8-10 patients. So I am a little bored at times and kinda frustrated, but things are getting better and I am able to change wards in order to experience different things. I think I will ask to work in Intensive Care next week which will hopefully be so much more demanding of me. Also, a lot of the nurses here are enrolled and not registered which means they do not have the training or knowledge I am receiving in England so I don't feel as though I am learning enough. There was a very positive point yesterday though. There was an 8 year old in with chicken pox and she was just getting ready to be discharged. She had no family with her though and was so playful, she just wanted attention. Not many people were giving it to her though so I did and it was GREAT :) I was helping her with her maths and then she started teaching me numbers in Lugandan, it was so much fun and we both laughed lots.

Here is a pic I had taken at the weekend, playing with my neighbours :) they are so adorable!!!!
So I hear you screaming that you wanna know about me and my boy, right?! Well, he is very lovely thank you and we are growing a lot. Challenges don't stop here though. I thought things might be easy for a while, but they are definitely not!! I knew we'd hardly get to see each other in the week due to uni and work, but it turns out he has uni on Saturdays for his last semester and his last semester is now - sucks!!!!!!! I was so annoyed and frustrated but we are dealing with things as they are thrown our way.
I am sorry this is such a small blog but time is short tonight. On Saturday I will blog for real!!
Love you all but love here as well!!
Keep believing God for the best even through rocky times!! x