God is a fierce but compassionate God - can't you see that from this passage?? No
w, sometimes it feels like He is completely against us and doesn't seem to come through for us when we need Him, but isn't that just our ideas? God does know what is best and He does fight for us through all things. He is there for us and provides for us whenever we need Him. It might feel like there are times when He isn't for us but that is just our feelings, that isn't truth.

This lesson I seem to be learning over and over again right now. In fact, I think I've been learning the same lesson for several years now and I still don't seem to take it all in. Things have happened and I have screamed at God asking Him what the hell is going on and why the hell didn't He come through for me in my situation...it felt like He was nowhere to be seen and He didn't actually do what He could have done, but this is me putting my restrictions on God and telling Him to do exactly what I want. This isn't trusting Him for who He is and believing in Him through all things. Yes, it is very hard to trust God when things seem to fall apart and when you feel like you gave your everything to Him just to have it thrown back in your face, but God DOES know best and He will ALWAYS come through for you and for me.
Honestly, this is truth...trust Him in everything, even when everything falls into crashes around you. It's the only way. x