Isn't this picture absolutely beautiful?! I have just spent some time with a special friend, having dinner and I was walking home. It took me about 40 minutes and it's not the warmest of days, yet it was wonderful. I was overwhelmed by the absolute, precise beauty of Gods creation. Autumn and Spring are so colourful and full of creativity. The trees are full of life and colour, showing once again, that God is so mighty. After all, have you ever asked yourself why nothing natural clashes?? Why the colours always work so perfectly with each other?? Why the colour themes are perfect yet they are not man made?? No-one could ever create colour like our God can. We fight day afer day for perfection, for a world that we long to have as perfect through our own eyes, yet there is nothing more that WE could ever do to reach that perfection. We can not create colour and beauty like our God can. We can not create nature that says tasteful and not tacky. We can not create beauty. It's the same with life...who can create life like God can?! God created life, He created us so that we can bring life into the world...God is the soul creator of such a beautiful thought and action. 'For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.' Romans 1 v 20
We see Gods creativity, life and beauty surrounding us, so there is no excuse for us to deny Him, to deny that He is author and creator of our very world that we live in!! Take a look around, do you see it?! Do you see the beauty that I am talking about?! What is the reason for it then, who is the creator?! Blessings x
this is kool,
this is kool,ronnie from uganda
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