Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Friday, 24 October 2008
There Can Be Miracles.
This is a video clip from the film Prince of Egypt - the song makes this scene very powerful and emotional.
I haven't blogged much lately, life seems kinda empty - nothing to speak of I guess, but I was listening through my music today and a copy of this song came on. One line stood out to me:
'And it's easy to give into your fears...'
That is so true isn't it?! We go through all these tough, demanding times, similar to what I blogged about last time and the easiest thing to do would be to dwell on the bad times, feel sorry for ourselves and give into those fears...but is that the best thing to do??
The song tells us there can be miracles. The song is sung at a time in the film when thousands of people are seeing no clear way, they feel stranded, yet they are told to step out and trust...to not give into their fears of things coming to nothing, but trusting that God can and will do this - 'there can be miracles, when you believe...you will when you believe...'
The word 4 u 2day says this -
'God never asks you to do something without helping you achieve it. The more you get to know God, the more you learn to trust Him and the easier it becomes to be happy inside, no matter what is happening.'
'Don't feel bad. They joy of God is your strength!' Nehemiah 8 v 10.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Moving Mountains.
This is Ushers latest song 'Moving Mountains'.
I'm not really with it at the moment, I have only just heard this song, but I love it. Songs like this always get me hooked. Songs about pain and hurt. Songs about trying to get through the rain and the storm.
Some of the lyrics read:

Wednesday, 20 August 2008
I fell over three times......now you're thinking I must have been rubbish, but that ain't true :) I usually think I'm alright at skating but always manage to fall over and I usually blame it on other people!!
Is that the way though? Do I trip coz it is actually someones elses fault, or do I trip coz I'm the one who faulted?!
I guess it's that way with our lives and our faith and our beliefs as well as our morals and principals. We all trip up at times but do we unconciously or even deliberately blame others for our trips?? Do we automatically think that it can't be us and it's actually someone else?
Of course we do, that is life and that is what being a human does I guess. We have to remember that this is OUR life though and even though there is a higher person than us, someone who can change our life around, our life will always be OURS to live. We make the decisions, whether good or bad. Yes, people do influence but we make the ulimate decision. We can't go around blaming others because we will never improve and become stronger and better. Like with skating, if I continually blame others for my trips I won't think that there is anything to work on, so I will always continue tripping. It's the same with life.
Monday, 4 August 2008

I do not want to be impatient...I want to practice those things which are good and which will bring more character, yet how does this happen when the things you long for seem so far away??
My answer is - I don't have an answer. I guess we just have to pursue our passions with the hope that what we long for IS coming - somewhere, someday.
Monday, 28 July 2008

Tuesday, 24 June 2008
It also got me to pray about Uganda, the country I am in now and the country I am so passionate about. Do I usually pray for Uganda? No. Why though? A country which has my heart and is full of the many special people in my life and yet I do not regularly pray for it. Are we becoming a society that is selfish to its core? Are we becoming a people that forgets the wider picture?
We want to see change in the world yet we don't want to proactively make that change occur. I am not trying to condemn, I am just trying to question. I am passionate about seeing change yet I don't always pray about it. Maybe it is time...time to grasp a hold of the important things in life and to make a stand to make a difference through prayer.
Now that's said, here are some new pics.
Saturday, 21 June 2008
The town is small and to be honest not much can be done to improve conditions unless peoples attitudes change. How do you change peoples attitudes though? You can encourage them and try to inspire them but at the end of the day all of that is nothing unless their heart is radically changed and sharpened. Only God can do this seemingly impossible task.
Looking at the village, it is so similar to England. Yes, we have sanitation. Yes, we don't live in rubbish tips...but we don't always have the right attitude towards money and towards family - whether we're Christian or not.
Will being saved changed these peoples hearts? Maybe but then maybe not. There is no point being saved if you are just going to live in the same routine and with the same mindset - you need a change of heart and attitude. Your thoughts have to be changed in order to change your behaviour, which is often hard in a society where change is minimal.
The good thing is that God can do all this and so much more. He promises us that He is able 'to do immeasureably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,' Ephesians 3 v 20 NIV. What about The Message version, 'God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!' God CAN do this!! He CAN change Gerenge and He CAN change England - He CAN do MORE than we ask or imagine but it starts with us 'according to His power that is at work WITHIN US'. We can't be lazy on this, we have to try.
To end on a good note, the children were as beautiful and as vibrant as ever.
Much love to you all as always. Maybe think about your heart and whether it's in the right place or not. x
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Life = Beauty.
The baby came out and was cleaned up and then I was the nurse who done everything else - what a priviledge!! I clamped the cord, took a blood sample from it and cut the remaining cord off. I gave the baby an IM injection of Vitamin K to reduce bleeding and some eye ointment and I assessed him head-to-toe. I then weighed the baby and dressed/wrapped him. I then handed him over to his family. The mum and dad thanked me, but why?! I was the one to thank them. They gave me the priviledge of seeing their first child being born and being the one to assess and dress him.
WOW - what an experience!!!! Now I really really want to do midwifery. I know I want to be a childrens nurse but I also know I want to be able to assist with bringing life into the world. To be the first person to hold a new baby and to have the opportunity to bless them with Gods love, protection and Spirit. We'll see where this desire goes though because that would mean another three years of hard work and study which I am definitely not ready for yet.
Work has been wonderful this week. I have been all over the hospital and today I was in theatre and saw several operations - a c/section being one of them (note to self - always always opt for a natural delivery over a c/section!!!!). Work has been busy and so I have loved it. In outpatients the sister has given me more responsibility and so I have felt more like a nurse and someone who actually knows what they are doing. My confidence is growing daily and I am so excited to be a childrens nurse in life - this is something I am made to do and truly love to do!!
It's such a shame tomorrow is my last day but then at least I have some me time. Also, it's my mans birthday so I must plan something nice for him. I completely adore being here and I will dread returning to England. The only exciting thing about returning to England is qualifying and then my man visiting me.
God has completely blessed me by showing me the beauty of life. Never doubt that life is precious!! x
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Uganda ROCKS.
First moan of the blog - this computer is SOOOOO slow and it's driving me crazy, lol!! Second moan, work is a bit slow still and I've decided that I like it when people are actually ill, lol.
So, the last week and a half has been AMAZING!! I have loved it so much more than my first week here and I think it's because I have now settled into life here again and also coz I've been doing more stuff that I actually want to do.
Since the first week when I didn't get much time with my man, things have been easier and better. We have seen each other a lot more and I just feel more like myself with him now. I've realised that it does take so much time to really trust someone and show your true self to them and I think now is the time when that trust has really been solidly built.
Work was great last week because I was in the inpatient ward which was a lot busier than the charity ward. I felt like I had more confidence and I was given more to do. Communication is still hard though. Most patients speak English because of the nature of the hospital, but it can still be difficult. I'm in outpatients this week and it's slow so not really very good. One thing to mention though - they pray every morning during handover. I love this!! People are just free to be themselves here and there is no fear of mentioning God or bringing prayer actively into care. I don't even know how praying during handover in England would be perceived but why not?! Whether people believe or not that there is a God and a God who answers prayer, why can't we pray and hope for it?! Why don't we actively give the day over to someone who is so much higher and so far beyond us as mere human beings??
Anyway, that is it for now. I will try to blog more regularly now but who knows and sorry it's short - the computer is rubbish.
Just a thought - give everything over to God and see what He does.
Much love. x
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Woohoo!!!! It's here.

Thursday, 8 May 2008
Work hard.
I'm just really realising how much effort I need to start putting into things. The last two years of uni I have kind of blagged my way through, with not particularly much effort. I now realise that even though being a nurse is something God has called me to do and be, it is not going to come easy for me. I believe in God for His complete provision and faithfulness - I do not fear being able to get a job wherever it may be, but I know I have to make an effort to. God can make anything happen but I musn't use that as an excuse to be lazy. Before, I wanted to be a nurse but now I want to be a GREAT nurse. In order to be this I need to work hard and apply myself to my training and then my job. I believe that when I put the effort in God will bless me for it and through nursing I'll really be able to bless and love people.
I don't really know where this is leading - maybe that we need to trust God completely for our futures and dreams but we musn't let this faith add to our laziness. Have great faith, but also work hard.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
I'm Alive.
So I have a new video for you, another one by Celine Dion. I find her voice so powerful and her lyrics incredible.
'Mmmmm ... mmmmm
I get wings to fly
Oh, oh ... Im alive ...
When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive
When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that I'm alive
When you bless the day
I just drift away
All my worries die
Im glad that I'm alive
You've set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made me a woman
On clouds above
I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
Cause I am alive
When you call on me, when you call on me
When I hear you breathe, when I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly, I feel that I'm alive, I am alive
When you reach for me, when you reach for me
Raising spirits high God knows that
That I'll be the one standing by through good and through trying times
And it's only begun
I can't wait for the rest of my life
When you call on me, when you call on me
When you reach for me, when you reach for me
I get wings to fly, I feel that
When you bless the day, when you bless, you bless the day
I just drift away, I just drift away
All my worries die
I know that I'm alive
I get wings to fly
God knows that I'm alive.'
Psalm 103 v 1 - 5
When we trust God to be all we need, when we praise Him...He satisfies and provides everything...He ultimately renews our youth like the eagles...and we all know what eagles do...they SOAR!!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Admirable yet able.
The definition of housewife is 'a married woman who manages her own household especially as her prinicpal occupation.' After this definition is this 'housewife

If we look at society then it is clear that women are becoming more career minded, or perhaps they are just being allowed to pursue their dream of a career. In the past it was always the men who worked and the women who kept the house and who brought up the children. This was the norm. I don't think there really is a norm now though, because many women are still housewives but many woman are also career women.
For some, they may find it offensive and demeaning that people view women as having this role over men. For me, I do not. I think it is actually an amazing thing to be a housewife...to be the primary care giver to your children and to provide a home for the man of your life. I also think that the way men and women are made so differently makes women more suited to being the homemaker and men more suited to being the soul provider of the home.
Should we not embrace our femininity instead of push it aside and say that we are no different to men?! I do not think that this world should be a 'mans world' but I also think that we should not have to fight to be career women just because we don't want to come under a mans authority.
Men are strong - they are made with strength to lead. Women are beautiful - they are made with beauty to be enjoyed.
Men should not take advantage because of this strength and just expect women to be under them and to do all they command. Having this sort of strength to lead is a priviledge and has to be used to lead people with love not arrogance. Women need to realise that their beauty shou

Men are made with strength and women are made with beauty so that when they are joined, something admirable yet able is created. This can't be created with just strength or just beauty - men and women have to realise they need each other.
We should not be ashamed of our uniqueness as women or as men. We need to embrace and cherish our differences and be prepared to come under those who are made to lead and to love those who are made to be enjoyed.
Much love, as always. x
Friday, 21 March 2008

Wednesday, 12 March 2008
A heart for the poor.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
God is amazing.
I was told at the weekend that someone at my church wants to pay for my flight to Uganda - I am so amazed!! I was so excited when I found out I could go to Uganda but at the same time was dead scared because of not having all the money I needed for the trip. I worked out that I could just about afford to pay for the flight but that was it - I had no clue how everything else would get paid for. Scary but true!! And there was no way that I wasn't going to travel to Uganda because of financial scares.
Me and my man have faced communication difficulties because of the restraints of money and there was no way that I was going to let money interfere anymore!! Money really does annoy, scare and frustrate me - I seriously hate it and absolutely detest how it makes me feel!!
How is it I feel like this knowing that God provides everything I need and more?? Maybe the fact that God might in fact not choose to give me all of my desires and all the miracles I ask for?? This is not lack of faith, this is just realism that God doesn't answer all prayers the way we sometimes want.
Anyway, God has astounded me and once again reassured me that I musn't worry about anything. He provides all that is needed and desired in the situations He puts us in - even when things don't go the way we want them to it doesn't mean God isn't giving what is needed, it just means He is giving what is needed according to the way He wants - the way which is best and good for us.
God is forever GOOD!! Believe and trust that truth. x
Thursday, 28 February 2008
I have been planning a placement there since last July time and the university kept throwing obstacles in my way. At times I thought I would not get the placement finalised and that I would not actually get to visit Uganda this year.
Uganda is where I want to be and where my man is...it's probably one of the biggest things of my future...so I want to be there. I want to visit and step into my future. I want to see what God truly has for me.
I was relying on this placement for a chance to see if nursing in Uganda is what I want to be doing. The only chance I have to see if I can do it and enjoy it. The only chance to get some contacts. The only chance of discovering nursing in a hospital setting there before I qualify.
This week the placement got finalised and I AM GOING!!
God is good and has been good!! It has taken time, frustration and many days and hours of crying tears and angry prayers...but God has done what is good in His time. He has always remained faithful and I continue to trust Him for what is to come.
Be encouraged. x
Friday, 22 February 2008

I guess this is just like life isn't it?! We have the things in our life which at times seem like a complete waste of our time, money and effort but yet we have to do them. There are things which challenge us and frustrate us, things that scare us and things that surprise us. For me, this time scared me, it is challenging me and I guess it is also surprising me somehow. I have a confidence when I am there and an understanding of my work there. I know that in this time I will learn something, even if I feel it is a waste of my time at the moment. I also know that all new things build up a confidence in me, so it can't be all bad!!
Life throws many things at us and often they are mundane and boring and often things that we do not want to be doing or see the need to be doing. This morning the assembly was about transformation (which means to change) and the teacher asked "If you could change anything about you what would it be?" My answer would have been the place I am in right now, because the place I want to be in is Uganda. I want to be doing what I know I am called to do. Transformation is good but not always necessary. I know at some point in my future I will transform my life...I will qualify as a nurse, I will move to Uganda and I will marry my love, but right now that transformation is not quite ready to be fulfilled. Right now I have

Stick with the mundane times that seem a waste...being confident in who they are helping you to become...being confident that they will benefit you beyond your dreams when your dreams come into fulfillment...when transformation finally comes. x
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
He is always good.
Okay, so lately, well, for the past few years, I feel like I have had many challenges going on. I have felt completely alone at times, completely frustrated and I have had times of complete pain and despair where I have just cried out to God for His comfort and some sort of answer. No answers came.
Occasionally I would have a day or two of feeling good again and feeling excited, but no consistency came with this time. I didn't want a happiness or excitement that didn't last. I wanted to feel real again...I wanted to be me.
Then I spent some more time in Uganda and things turned wonderful. I love Uganda and feel completely alive there, but when I return to England things go back to mundane reality and with this comes the frustration and pain...the realisation that I am not living the life I am called to live.
I realise completely what I am called to be and the life I am called to live and I realise that what I am doing right now is not this. I also realise though that my time now is preparing me for my future. It is not what I want to be doing and it is not the ULTIMATE but IT IS the best for me NOW. It is right for me. We all need to be challenged in order to grow and develop.
I have been blessed over the last month because I am now feeling alive and complete. I have been blessed because the Almighty One has answered. He has awoken from His silence and I have come through my storm of rain and hail and fog. I am in a time of sunshine and stars and seeing the light. I AM ME.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Valentines Day.
Yes, I have a wonderfully, gorgeous man, but no, we will (once again) not be together on Valentines Day. Am I down about this?! Well, not really I don't think. Partly because I haven't had much of a chance to think about it due to being busy lately, but also because I don't need a named day to express my love to my loved one. I am not saying I disagree with Valentines Day or even despise it, because I completely do not. I am just saying that we don't have to make this bigger than it needs to be. If I was able to be with my man then that would be incredible and very special, but I'm not going to get caught up on us being apart, because I will then come to despise a day that is just named by society and not the creator of our world.
Those of you who aren't looking forward to it, whether it is because you don't yet have a significant other or because you can't be with your significant other, please enjoy anyway. It is a day like any other, just with a fancy name. If you want to join in with the celebrations then show your love to the other special people in your life, but if you don't want to join in just treat it for what it is, just another day.
Those of you who are looking forward to it because of a significant other, please enjoy it and embrace the moment. Love your partner and serve them on this day...but also remember that you shouldn't need a day named by society to love your significant other and serve them. These relationships need love, special treats and giving yourself for them more than once a year and definitely more than just on "special" days. Remember what love is and try to live it out daily.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Isaiah 61.
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Special People.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Saturday, 19 January 2008

TV Programme: 'Open your heart. Be brave. Be true. You will see it in his eyes.'
Friday, 18 January 2008
Just Fine.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Fancy dress.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008
For me, I completely agree with this. Over the last week or so especially, I have been recognising the need for a new family, for the family that will one day be called mine, instead of my parents.
I am home for the Christmas holidays and life is tuff at home with my parents and siblings. I love them to bits and I love spending time with them, but the time has come when I truly need to spread my wings and fly away. I have lived away from home for nearly two years now and there are times when I am truly homesick but now I realise it is not home that I long for, it is the companionship I receive from being with those that have known me from the beginning. It is the love that always lasts even when I'm in my foulest and most emotional moods. It is the familiarity of being with those that I know I can completely be myself with.
I miss people but not home itself. I miss my parents and my sisters and my brother but I don't miss my parents family. I realise, I kinda miss what I haven't yet lived...I miss, or rather, I long for, MY family...mine and Pauls family!!
Family can't come until you know yourself though, know who you are and what you are called to be. I think it's important and even crucial to have a time where you are by yourself, in order to truly find yourself and learn and develop who you are and who you are in Christ. After all, how can you find your true self and your true calling when you are caught up with another person?! Yes, this time probably means being single but why shouldn't that be embraced?! If we embrace this time, we learn to build a firm foundation for our future, for life. We become strong in who we are and what we desire and we become strong in Christ. It is then that we can embrace family, embrace life with another. The foundation is built so the family stays strong and lasts. After all, shouldn't family be forever, just as marriage is?!
Family is exciting and the family that we will one day create I believe is more important than the family we are already a part of, our parents family. Without this family that isn't called our own, where we are imparted into, where we are grown and where we learn things for the family we will one day have, we are nothing...this family is important but it's not the end!!
As the first day of 2008 comes to a close, I pray that this year people will embrace their circumstances - whether they are single or not, whether they are still living in their parents family or have already started creating their own, so they may be blessed and strengthened and encouraged. May you embrace family for what it is and everyday live for your family...to remain strong and therefore FOREVER.
Bring it on I say!! Love x