This is Ushers latest song 'Moving Mountains'.
I'm not really with it at the moment, I have only just heard this song, but I love it. Songs like this always get me hooked. Songs about pain and hurt. Songs about trying to get through the rain and the storm.
Some of the lyrics read:
'I know sorries, just wouldn't do it
Her heart is obliterated, I'm trying to travel through
But it's like moving mountains...
It's like moving mountains...
But I keep climbing and hoping things would change
And the sky turns grey, and the water from the rain washes progress away
It's like moving mountains...
It's like moving mountains...'
What does this song say to you? Can you relate to it and everything it sings of??
Are the troubles you're going through bringing obliteration? Does it seem like you have to move mountains to come through? Everytime you take a step is it washed away by the rain that pours down around you??

It's true, trouble does appear like this at times and when you think it couldn't get any worse it does. When you feel like you can't take it anymore and nothing makes sense. Everything, every simple task seems like a struggle and every little thing brings you to tears and anger.
Life sucks at times...sometimes it seems like it sucks most of the time, but that is the way life is. Struggles come but they do go. We work through them and when the rain comes we fall back, but our steps are always larger and bigger than rain drops, aren't they?!
Think about it..........
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