Wednesday, 20 August 2008


At the weekend I went to this fab roller disco in London. It was a family members 21st and we dressed up and made an absolute night of it. I loved it and had lots of fun!!

I fell over three you're thinking I must have been rubbish, but that ain't true :) I usually think I'm alright at skating but always manage to fall over and I usually blame it on other people!!

Is that the way though? Do I trip coz it is actually someones elses fault, or do I trip coz I'm the one who faulted?!

I guess it's that way with our lives and our faith and our beliefs as well as our morals and principals. We all trip up at times but do we unconciously or even deliberately blame others for our trips?? Do we automatically think that it can't be us and it's actually someone else?

Of course we do, that is life and that is what being a human does I guess. We have to remember that this is OUR life though and even though there is a higher person than us, someone who can change our life around, our life will always be OURS to live. We make the decisions, whether good or bad. Yes, people do influence but we make the ulimate decision. We can't go around blaming others because we will never improve and become stronger and better. Like with skating, if I continually blame others for my trips I won't think that there is anything to work on, so I will always continue tripping. It's the same with life.

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